The Career Design and Job Hunting process involves three different areas: What, Where and How.
Your professional and personal self assessment. In particular, this involves inventorying and prioritizing your:
- skills (talents / transferable skills)
- fields of interests (specific knowledge skills)
- and personality traits (self management skills).
The job(s) you want and the companies/organizations that might offer such jobs. Each target job must be defined by 2 key components:
- Title/Function: encompasses the different skills, duties and responsibilities of the job (What you do)
- Field/Industry/Sector: the name for a broad area in business (Where you do it)
Job hunting techniques that must be put into practice in order to find a job. This includes:
- techniques to get an interview
- interviewing techniques and strategies needed in order to secure a firm job offer
The WWH test covers these 3 areas of career design and job hunting. It will help you to:
- recognize the three key areas of career design and job hunting (What, Where, How) and the basic meanings and mechanisms of each
- measure your knowledge of each one of these areas
- identify any potential weak areas that may need additional effort on your part in terms of training and techniques.