I was offered a job that requires me to relocate to Asia. I think it will last for about three to five years. I'm excited about the job, salary and people, but worry that I won't like the place. What can I do to deal with this fear?
I was offered a job that requires me to relocate to Asia. I think it will last for about three to five years. I'm excited about the job, salary and people, but worry that I won't like the place. What can I do to deal with this fear?
In many ways it sounds like this is a fabulous opportunity for you. Your excitement about the job, salary and co-workers will carry you a long way. It would be wonderful if we could measure ahead of time how we'll like any new location, but that isn't possible without the experience of living there. You can make yourself as knowledgeable as possible before moving, however, by talking with people who've lived and worked in Asia before. Find out what they liked and didn't like, and how they overcame their difficulties and made the transition to the new country.
Talk with someone at the consulate or embassy of the country where you'll move. Arm yourself with information; it's the only way to know what to expect. In most areas of life, it's our idealistic expectations that cause us problems; not the reality of any given situation. If you know what to expect, you'll be grounded in reality and not disappointed should things end up different than you'd pictured.
Once you do your research, you'll be able to judge, in some measurable way, if this is a place where you could feel comfortable living for a period of time. It may turn out that this location doesn't match your needs and personality, and you'll be able to turn down the job knowing it wouldn't be a good match for you despite the positive aspects of the opportunity.
To ease your anxiety, perform this exercise: Write down the worst thing that can happen if you move and don't like the new location. Usually when we look at the worst that can happen in any given situation, we realize that we have the means to find the solution to the problem as well.