I love my job and take a lot of work home with me on nights and weekends. I don't know if I should tell my boss. Will it look like I can't do my job or that I'm a reliable employee?
I love my job and take a lot of work home with me on nights and weekends. I don't know if I should tell my boss. Will it look like I can't do my job or that I'm a reliable employee?
Congratulations for being such a committed employee. You're part of small percentage of workers who belong to the breed that employers should reward for their true value. If you take work home because you feel challenged to be more productive and enjoy going the extra mile, then we think it's fine to continue. But be sure to make time for other pursuits, friends and family to enjoy a well-balanced life.
On the other hand, if you always work overtime, it could be a sign that you're unable to properly organize your workload. If this is the case, take no more than three to six months to correct the situation. Find ways to organize your workday so you accomplish what you need without having to take work home regularly.
People who occasionally work overtime without being compensated are usually looked upon by employers as go-getters. However, they may also be seen as people who can't cope with their jobs. Before you tell your boss of your extra work, make sure you belong to the first category.