Topics: Career change · All topics
Ludmilacity withheld

In my opinion, everyone should change careers at least once in their life. After 10 years of doing the same job, you feel that there is nothing new for you in the field any more, although you continue reading and attending conferences and workshops. Stagnation stops your development as a personality and as a professional.

I have changed my career from teaching English and French in Europe to web design in the U.S., and feel happy about it. I am a graduate student in web design and development, and some people think there could be no job for me after graduating. Designing web sites is a creative and artistic way of earning money. I hope employers will feel my passion for design and offer me a chance to reveal my talents. Good luck to everyone who supports my point of view and isn't afraid of changes!

Daniel's advice

Congratulations on taking the risk to change careers. We agree with you that changing careers is a good way to stay motivated, and tap into passions that evolve and grow as we age. It seems the days of working in one job or for one company are long past. It doesn't seem very realistic to think that many of us will have just one kind of job or one employer over the course of our lives anymore. In informal surveys we have done with thousands of job-hunters, we have found that most people change jobs or careers at least two to three times in their lives. It might interest you to know that many of these changes were of a radical nature, meaning the job hunter not only changed job title but also job field, much like you have done.

Try not to let those naysayers make you feel insecure about possible opportunities when you graduate. It's true that experience is important, but it isn't everything. We wager if you polled most employers (especially in artistic fields), you would find they are often willing to take a risk on an enthusiast person filled with real passion for what they are doing over someone who's lost their excitement and desire for their job. When you begin your job hunt be prepared to show examples of what you can do, and we're betting that, coupled with your passion for web design, will land you a job in short order.