Topics: Career change · All topics
MaryBrighton, UK

I'm currently employed in the medical field. I have a bachelor's degree in pathology, but I want to change careers and begin working with children, i.e., case manager, advocate.

How do I construct my resume? Some of the classifieds don't require a degree in the social sciences but do require a degree of some sort. Should I include life experiences in my cover letter to make up for requirements I may be lacking? I have a strong science background, a four-year degree from a reputable university and awards for professionalism and academics. I'm a compassionate, hardworking person. Please help.

Daniel's advice
  • First, you must ask and answer the question, "What can I bring to an employer?" Until you can do this well, you won't be ready to interview in this new field. You need to demonstrate your value with distinctive and relevant skills and qualities that you can bring to the job. Certainly, list those life experiences that apply.
  • Second, you haven't mentioned if you've done volunteer work with children, but if not, do some immediately. This will show not only your commitment to this new area but also whether it's really for you. Subscribe to publications about children's advocacy. Learn the language used in this field.
  • Third, design a functional resume, which highlights and outlines your key skills, competencies and knowledge. This focuses on your strengths and not what you might lack in terms of a specific degree or experience. A precise and customized objective is a must.
  • Finally, use your network of friends and colleagues to help you make contacts in this new area. Getting your foot in the door is easier with a referral from someone who knows you and can speak well of your interest and good qualities.