Topics: Career change · All topics
HansFrankfurt, Germany

My career in banking has slowed considerably and I see no possibility of promotion at my firm. I'm very interested in e-commerce and would like to make a change to that field. How would you suggest I do this?

Frances's advice

As you likely know, e-commerce is a broad arena, really more of a concept than a field. Generally, it's any process for allowing organizations and individuals to do business electronically. But that covers a range including online purchasing, product forecasting, supplier relationships, payment processing, customer relationship management and other areas.

Your background may help you understand the complexities of payment processing, online currency exchange, electronic investing and other banking-related niches, so these might be good areas to start exploring. First, check your local university for an introductory course in e-commerce that will give you an overview of options in your geographical area. Second, start talking with people who are doing what you want to do and find out how they got into their jobs, what they like and don't like, their main duties, skills needed and other job-related details. What you learn by taking these two steps will help you determine your next move.