Topics: Salary · All topics
TrevorLondon, UK

I've been offered a job that I'd love to accept, but the salary is too low. The employer says it can't be raised because it's based on a fixed rate. I'd hate to lose this opportunity over money. Is there anything I can do?

Frances's advice

Usually when an employer says a salary is fixed, it's because it's based on a curve that was implemented to establish uniformity between employees. Curves limit injustice in pay and eliminate potential sources of conflict. They also make it hard for a potential employee to negotiate a higher salary.

We suggest that you ask for additional responsibilities so you can move into a higher salary bracket or better your position in the existing one. Another option is to try to negotiate a bonus or overtime pay.

If those strategies don't work, you might consider accepting the low salary on the condition that you receive a benefit such as admission to clubs, special insurance, training courses, a car or profit sharing. Benefits often are tax-free, less expensive for an employer than a pay raise and don't set a precedent for others to follow.